Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Summary of chapter 9- business ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Summary of chapter 9- business ethics - Essay Example These stereotypes may be based on societal beliefs or may directly target certain ethnic groups. There may also be normal processes inherent in the company byline which they are not aware of. These processes may look nondiscriminatory at first glance but their use can lead to discriminatory practices such as policies which predicate nominations on existing members. Moral arguments are firmly based on racial and sexual grounds. Since discrimination predicates itself on the shortcomings of a group or an individual within a group, utilitarians reject such principles since they can harm collective wellbeing. Kantians however believe that this practice fails to acknowledge people as individuals. Universally it is impossible to consider that people would willingly allow themselves to be subjected to such treatment. Rawls’s theory suggests that â€Å"parties in the original position would choose for themselves the principles of equal opportunity.† Such actions go against the belief in human equality. No one would actively support such actions. An example of elimination from society through legal and political means include slavery and the repeal of the 19th amendment. Given that discrimination is predicated upon existing attitudes and practices, there is an unequal stake for women and minorities in the working environment. Even though Americans have the highest living standard in the world today, minorities in comparison of Caucasians make less income and are prone to being poor. Minorities and women are shoe horned into jobs with lower paying salaries despite doing the same amount of work as their counterparts. There have been few inroads into the top ranks in the professional business world. The U. S Supreme Court states that numerical discrepancies do not directly point to disparity in the work place, though societal examples and practices speak otherwise. Lawsuits for both sexual and

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